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Dead Horse Point State Park- The "Hole" Story

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Our bid was selected by the Utah Division of Facilities Contruction and Management to drill two exploratory test wells for Dead Horse Point State Park (DHP). The tourism industry in Utah jumped a stagering 20% since the Spring of 2013 when the Utah Office of Tourism launched the "Mighty 5" campaign, which features Utah's five National Parks. DHP has also seen a jump in numbers due to the campaign. To accomodate the ever-growing number of tourists that pass through the park each year, DHP is constructing a new campground.

Our staff consisted of our usual, tried and true drilling crew. Gary Vancil was our Tool Pusher and was assisted by Ignacio "Nacho" Argueta and Richard Christensen who ran the controls as Drillers, and Colman Swasey alternated with Nick Beeman as Derrick Hands. We drilled with our Custom Gardner Denver 2000 Drill Rig, or "Christmas" as it's been so justly nick-named.

The first hole we drilled went through the Wingate and Chinle formations and TD'd and the top of the Shinarump. The minut trace of water produced was insuffiecient for the needs of DHP, so we tripped out and moved to another location to try again. The second hole also went through the Wingate and Chinle formations, TDing at the Shinarump. It produced a bit more water, but at less than 500 gallons a day, it didn't meet the needs of DHP either. At the instruction of DHP, we tripped out and cemented up both holes. We hope to have better luck next time!

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